ABYC Announces Board Members and Award Recipients at Annual Meeting

Jan 16, 2023
ABYC Board of Directors (top left to right: David Johnson, Elio Betty, Nancy Cueroni, Jeff Wasil, Eric Fetchco, Sean Hatherley; bottom left to right: Phil Estes, William Daley, Robert Newsome, Leon MacCorkle, Pete Chisholm, John Adey, Craig Scholten; missing: Christina Paul, Derek Rhymes, Lia Mattox, Cindy Squires, Matt Majors, Kate Holden)
On January 9th in New Orleans during ABYC’s Standards Week, the American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) welcomed new board members and celebrated award recipients at its annual meeting and cocktail reception the evening of Jan. 9, 2023 in New Orleans, LA. The event acts as the official opening for ABYC Standards Week, where experts from all fields of the marine industry review and update safety standards pertaining to the design, construction, and repair of recreational boats.
ABYC Board Chair Nancy Cueroni joined ABYC President John Adey to update members on ABYC initiatives, and to announce new board members and award recipients.
“ABYC’s annual meeting is a favorite tradition for our team to connect with colleagues and friends and make some big announcements,” said Adey. “It’s always a great time and a reminder how fortunate we are to be in this industry, with so many people making a lasting impact in boating safety.”
During the business portion of the meeting, ABYC announced the election of the 2023 Board of Directors officers and Directors-at-Large. Jeff Wasil, from the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), will replace Nancy Cueroni as board chair. New board members are William Daley, former president of CED Technologies, and Kate Holden, marketing and communications director of the International Boatbuilders’ Exhibition and Conference (IBEX). Sean Hatherley of Navico Group will serve the remainder of David Johnson’s term.
“The engineering community relies on a foundation built upon standards, education, training, and professional development,” said Daley. “ABYC sets the standard for the recreational boating industry and fulfills these foundational tools and I am happy to be a part of such an important effort.”
“ABYC is a great IBEX partner and an important part of our industry,” said Holden. ”I’ve enjoyed working with their team over the years and I am excited to be a part of the Board.”
Andy Adams, Managing Editor of Canadian Yachting and Boating Industry Canada receives ABYC’s Horizon Award
The meeting concluded with ABYC’s annual award ceremony. Andy Adams, managing editor of Canadian Yachting magazine and Boating Industry Canada News Week Digest, received the ABYC Horizon Award for conspicuous contributions to the future success and growth of ABYC and the recreational marine industry. Colleen Moore, an ABYC Master Technician working with Diversified Marine received the Bolling Fortson Douglas Memorial Award as a female ABYC member who best exemplifies dedication to the marine industry with the advancement of safety, education, and standards.
For a full list of ABYC’s board of directors and more information about ABYC visit www.abycinc.org.