Big demographic wave floats our boats – but beware!

Feb 8, 2022
First, there may still be time this morning for you to register for the NMMA Canada Virtual State of the Industry session that starts at 11:00 am Eastern on February 8th.
Again this year, I am honored to be a host of this excellent (and free) session. There will be a lot of valuable information that you can use to plan your season for 2022.
Sara Anghel opens with the NMMA State of the Industry information that updates everyone on what is happening nationally and what the industry is doing to support your business. The NMMA does a wide range of things that are very valuable. For an overall view of the association, JF Rioux, NMMA’s chairman will take us through the NMMA Annual General Meeting and then he will introduce Wells Fargo’s Keynote session, featuring noted researcher Nick Bennenbroek with a wealth of valuable business data.
Wells Fargo is a great partner in this and their organization has both localized Canadian information and the global picture too. It’s a session not to be missed.
Following the Keynote, will be the NMMA Hall of Fame presentation. This year’s recipient is a very modest yet very deserving individual – tune in to see who it is!
I always do an opening presentation and this year I’ll be showing a graph of national population trends in Canada. We will be riding a big demographic wave (that) floats our boats in the future – but beware!
While the numbers of older Canadians increase significantly in the coming years, numbers of the young people we need to staff our industry are flat, or in decline. This is just one presentation in a jam-packed agenda, but it’s data that should concern all of us.
You will see more if you have registered for the NMMA Canada Virtual State of the Industry session that starts at 11:00 am Eastern this morning.
Andy Adams Editor