Busy fall in the boat biz’!

Oct 22, 2024
I’m sure you are finding that it’s a busy fall in the boat business this year. I am certainly busy, but it’s a ‘good’ busy. I started off attending the NMEA Conference and Expo for my first time on September 16. I discovered that it’s a great event for anyone in the business because the people attending are the industry leaders and on the inside track of everything that’s happening in marine electronics. I learned a lot. The presentations were interesting, educational and useful, but perhaps the greater value was the comparatively intimate setting where I had an opportunity to meet and talk to many of the top people. A few weeks later I managed to duck Hurricane Helene as we flew into Tampa for IBEX 2024 two days after that hit and we got out just a few days ahead of Hurricane Milton. My heart goes out to all the people in Florida and the Carolinas who suffered terrible losses.
I tempt fate again next week on October 29 when we head down to the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show. Hurricanes are circling still and the season doesn’t end until November 30th. I’ll feel a little safer to be home for the Boating Ontario Conference at Blue Mountain at the end of November.
These exhibitions and conferences are great learning opportunities as well as great social times. Next weekend I’ll be heading to Casino Rama for the C.C. Marine Distributors show. There will be a hall full of vendors and experts to help your people and to answer questions about their products and how you can make more in your business. I really like the trade shows because there will be lots of one-on-one time for questions and how-to information.
That’s why I always recommend taking as many of your people as possible. Shows like this are close to home. That keeps the travel costs down and the personal connections they can make, can help them be more productive and profitable for you.
It may still be within the Atlantic Hurricane season but I feel confident Casino Rama will be safe and comfortable! I hope to see you there.
Also, I have an introduction to make. You may have read his appointment announcement last week. Mathew Channer has joined our editorial team as Associate Editor and he has already jumped in to interview Rick Layzell at the Canadian Marine Retailers Association about the issue of mandatory PFD wear and the Transport Canada online survey.
Did you go to the Transport Canada website and read their survey? A few people did and they were quite upset at the questions. Read Mathew’s story on this very important issue in today’s Boating Industry Canada News Week Digest.
Share your thoughts on this issue. I have had a few other readers write in. I’ll share more of that next week.
Andy Adams – Editor