Celebrate your marine service technicians this week!

Apr 25, 2023
Boating Industry Canada News Week Digest wants to join in the ABYC initiative to celebrate all the marine technicians this week!
As a major educator of senior marine service professionals in Canada as well as in the U.S., the American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) has designated April 24-29, 2023 as International Marine Service Technician Week.
Boating Industry Canada News Week Digest actively and enthusiastically supports and promotes our Canadian marine technicians through our program of Marine Industry Career Path profiles that share the personal stories of individuals, both men and women, who have trained at schools like the Quadrant Marine Institute and Georgian College to have a career in the marine industry.
These profiles are well worth re-visiting and sharing with your staff and summer employees. We have archived them online and you can read them all at https://boatingindustry.ca/component/mijosearch/search?query=career%20path
The personal stories are extremely varied and interesting. Read about Bronwyn Whitely, April Scarlett, Darrah James, Andrew McDonald, Greg Smith, Nathanial Stabenow and others as they each share their own unique career journey. Also, read the Feature in this edition “Marine Industry High School Pilot Project Kickoff” where Wendy and Brett Ramsey begin a campaign to present high school students with information about the opportunities in the marine industry. We also have Marine Industry Career Path profiles of both Wendy and Brett Ransey on the website.
In the coming weeks we will also be sharing the stories of companies who have joined into the Boating Industry Canada Employer of Choice program. Every year, we celebrate the companies who achieve Award level success in the Employer of Choice program. Use of this program leads to greater employee satisfaction and a better working environment. That improves employee retention.
The employee shortages that are affecting businesses of all sorts world-wide, mean that we will need to work together, to make the marine industry an option that attracts the people we need to succeed. We hope you will be encouraged to join in the celebrations highlighting our marine technicians throughout this week, and in the coming season as well.
Andy Adams – Editor