EDITOR’S MESSAGE August 27 2024

Aug 27, 2024
So much going on!
First and most important, we hope you have had a happy and prosperous summer this year and that serious weather has not impacted your business or your family. There has been flooding in Toronto the likes of which I have never seen in my lifetime and wildfires have continued to do terrible damage, especially in British Columbia and Alberta. Our hearts go out to those who were lost or who suffered property losses.
Luckily, there is a lot of positive momentum right now with a focus on education through Canada’s school systems, at Quadrant Marine Institute, Georgian College and others. Dealer meetings are major for boat dealers and we hope that inventory is moving now. We are teetering on the brink of disaster with the threat of a combined CN and CPKC rail strike but as we write this, the government is stepping in to avoid an economic catastrophe.
This year, we will be attending the NMEA Conference and also the IBEX show and Fort Lauderdale. We are hearing that there will be a lot of new boats to check out. There will be conferences like the Boating Ontario Conference and others across Canada.
Of course, planning is well underway for our big boat shows too, and we are already planning those. So much going on!
Andy Adams – Editor