Environment and Climate Change Canada Announces DPDPE Marine Exemption

Aug 4, 2023
NMMA Canada is pleased to report that the Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has announced a preliminary exemption on all products containing DPDPE used in marine vessels. The decision follows several meetings with the ECCC, NMMA and NMMA Canada’s Engine Manufacturer Members regarding its Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations and plans to ban the chemical DBDPE, which is critical for use as a flame retardant in marine vessels.
The proposed DPDPE marine exemption will be effective for 15 years, and the exemptions for replacement marine parts will last 30 years. There is a delay in the overall regulation, which is expected to be finalized by the fall of 2024. ECCC noted that the final regulations need to be approved and published; however, there is strong support within the department for these exemptions.
Additional noteworthy proposals as part of the Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations:
• Extended exemptions allow DPDPE to be used in marine wiring and cables, including plastic pellets used to manufacture marine components.
• Removing the need to seek out exemptions for individual parts.
ECCC encouraged NMMA and its Canadian members to continue to be involved in the chemical substitution process, and NMMA thanks you for your ongoing advocacy on this matter—we could not do it without our member support!