Georgian College and Mercury Marine host High School Student event

May 15, 2023
Bradford DTS
High school students from Collingwood and Bradford came to the Georgian College Midland Campus on May 3rd to be introduced to the opportunities available in the Marine, Small Engine and Welding programs.
Bradford JPO
Mercury Marine partnered with the college to provide some hands-on learning in the test cell.
Art Bates and Steve McCrae from Mercury Marine Canada provided instruction at work stations that they had set up to allow the students to have a “hands on” opportunity to use the Mercury G3 diagnostic software to communicate with live running engines and to perform diagnostics as well as the configuration of a DTS ( Digital Throttle and Shift) system.
Many of the students were enthusiastic and stated that they were unaware of the opportunities available to them in the Marine trade. They were especially impressed with the JPO (Joystick Piloting for Outboard) simulator that was demonstrated to them in the classroom and expressed a keen interest in the technology.
Bradford L6 Cyl Drop Test
Overall, it was a positive experience and Mercury was happy to be able to assist with promoting the Marine Program at Georgian College and to help create awareness of the opportunities in the Marine Trade for the students that are considering a technical focused career path.
(Above) Collingwood L6 Cyl Drop Test
(Below) Collingwood Test Cell