Happy Canada Day!

July 4, 2023
I sincerely hope that you have had a great Canada Day and a positive start to our high season of pleasure boating across Canada. As I write this, the sun is shining and the temperature is about ideal for summer. We have a lot of reasons to smile and be happy.
Perhaps the best reason is that we are in the pleasure boating business and our customers are coming to us for a chance to relax, enjoy and be happy. Going out in their boat is an escape from the dreary years under COVID restrictions, from the war in Ukraine, global political madness and the pressing issues of climate change.
Going boating is a unique summer escape; a change of pace with few equals in life. For our own benefit, we should remember that as we meet and greet our customers this summer. They have had a tough few years of bad experiences and sour news that I’m certain, they want to put out of their minds for at least their summer holiday time.
For this week, we will hold back on the pressing environmental issues and the industry headwinds like the luxury tax and the shortage of technicians. We wish you and your associates a great start to summer 2023!
Andy Adams – Editor