John Morris honoured at Spring Thaw Luncheon

May 8, 2023
John Morris, Editor of Canadian Yachting OnBoard and Sailing in Canada News Digests, was honored in March at the 2023 Spring Thaw Lunch, Toronto’s annual kick off to a new sailing and boating season.
John was presented with a framed certificate of recognition thanking him for his support of Broad Reach, a 25-year-old charity that organizes the Spring Thaw luncheons.
Proceeds raised at the luncheon fund bursaries for underserved youth, 12 to 30, who learn new skills through sail training. Pictured here is John Morris receiving the plaque from Ben Corbier, Director of Development, Broad Reach.
The volunteer-run organization is always looking for able sailors and willing hands. More info about Broad Reach is at
John Morris is a marine journalist, editor of two online digests and is a regular contributor to Canadian Yachting magazine through feature stories and his column, Crossing the Line. John is a former Editor of Canadian Yachting magazine and a life-long sailor and racer. He has also served on the executive of the Toronto Hydroplane Club.