NMMA Canada President Leads ICOMIA Meetings in London

Apr 4, 2022
ICOMIA Executive Committee (from left): Alpasian Sirkecioglu, Turkey; Lesley Robinsons, United Kingdom; Mats Eriksson, Sweden; Sara Anghel, Canada/USA; Sebastian Nietupski, Poland; Nicky Vaux; Boat Princess Blog/marina owner – Australia; Darren Vaux, Australia; Udo Kleinitz, ICOMIA Secretary General
NMMA Canada’s Sara Anghel was elected President of the International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA) in May 2020. After nearly two years of virtual meetings, Anghel had the opportunity earlier this month to meet in-person with fellow ICOMIA executive committee colleagues in London, U.K. They had a one-and-a-half days of meetings to set the strategic plan for ICOMIA for the next three years. This plan will be released in the next few months and will be instrumental to how ICOMIA supports the boating industry around the world. Topics like decarbonization; boat recycling; sustainability and trade are just a few of the many issues which will be a focus. The work ICOMIA does is of the upmost importance to us all.