NMRA welcomes new Officers & Board Members

Nov 7, 2023
The National Marine Representatives Association (NMRA) elected new
officers at the NMRA General Membership Meeting at IBEX 2023.
Left to right: Mark Goodman, President; Craig Cochran, Vice President;
Mike Steiner, Treasurer; Robert Guerrieri, Secretary; Aaron Freeman, Past President.
The National Marine Representatives Association (NMRA) is pleased to welcome aboard its new officers and board members, who were elected at the NMRA General Membership Meeting at IBEX 2023 in Tampa.
Taking the helm as NMRA President is Mark Goodman of SGL Sales & Marketing. Joining Mark on the Bridge is Craig Cochran, Vice President (GSW & Associates), Mike Steiner, Treasurer (West Coast Sales), Robert Guerrieri (Atlantic Marketing), Secretary and Aaron Freeman (Tideline Marketing), Past President.
The NMRA Board of Directors includes returning board members Jack Groseclose (North Pacific Marketing), Chris Martorana (The Merifield Company), Nick Gove (Midwest Outdoor Marketing) and Jim Cermak (Thundercat Marketing). Joining the NMRA Board are Parker Bacon (William F. Miller & Associates) and Spencer Talbot (ComMar Sales).
Founded in 1960, NMRA is the leading professional organization for independent marine sales representatives. For more information, visit nmraonline.org.