Quadrant Marine Institute – Community Partners Save the Day!

Nov 30, 2021
When highway washouts and emerging sink holes threatened to cancel Marine Service Tech (MST) training workshops last weekend, our community partners stepped in to save the day.
The destructive torrential rains a week ago made our southern Vancouver Island facilities inaccessible by road to our central island apprentices. Good thing our program is all about boats!
When speaking to Sidney MST instructor and owner of Last Minute Marine, Steve Crowe, about shuffling our schedule, he said, “Why don’t we just go pick them up?”.
Within 30 minutes we had a fast boat and captain thanks to Rom Van Stolk at Custom Yachts Sales in Sidney, parking and after-hours access to Mill Bay Marinadocks thanks to Sean Williams, and 5 students excited to start their day with an early morning zip across Saanich Inlet to get to class.
Our industry and community partners are the people-power that make this program thrive. We can’t thank you enough for your support!
BC Marine Service Technicians – WE FLOAT BOATS!