B.C. Government Announces Revisions to Sunshine Coast Dock Management Plan

Aug 13, 2024
The Boating BC Association is pleased with the recent announcement from the Ministry of Water, Land & Resource Stewardship regarding the further consultation and revisions to the Sunshine Coast Dock Management Plan (DMP). After hearing from residents, industry and user groups including Boating BC, the government committed to further consultation of the plan. The announcement is the result of significant collaboration with stakeholders regarding this important issue of shared access to BC’s waterways.
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Key Facts about the DMP
- Since 2018, the Province and shíshálh Nation have been working together to improve guidelines for dock development to protect coastal values on the Sunshine Coast/shíshálh swiya.
- Updates to the best management practices in the DMP were made in 2021 and rolled out across the shíshálh swiya to support good foreshore management.
- In November 2023, B.C. and shíshálh Nation began engagement on a suite of further proposed changes to the DMP.
- By February 2024, a What We Heard report was produced capturing the concerns raised through the engagement period.
- In March 2024, Nathan Cullen, Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship, and lhe hiwus Lenora Joe announced a set of further changes to the DMP that aimed to address the broader concerns raised by the public in the engagement period.
- Also in March 2024, B.C. and shíshálh Nation created the Dock Management Plan Advisory Group to provide further feedback on the changes proposed and the DMP.
- Initial engagement with commercial moorage holders occurred separately from the Dock Management Plan Advisory Group.