Showing up at the shows

Oct 26, 2021
As you read this Tuesday morning, I am lined up like cattle at the slaughter house trying to board a flight to Ft. Lauderdale to work the Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show. Talk about mixed emotions…
Of course, I’m looking forward to seeing the many industry friends that I have not seen in person for over two years and seeing what’s at the docks should be exciting and interesting. But the concern is that COVID is far from over and people are clearly fed up with the experience. (READ MORE)
The big question in my mind is what the show experience will be this time as we all emerge from the lockdowns of the past two years. The US Sail and Power Boat shows recently closed in Annapolis and I have been told that almost no one was wearing a mask.
We are expecting announcements soon from the Toronto International Boat Show organizers and we ran the story a few weeks ago, saying that the province was lifting attendance restrictions so the show can go ahead without capacity limits. In Canada, I expect tight COVID protocols to continue, but I will experience first-hand what is required (or not required) in Florida when I arrive at FLIBS.
I’m double vaxxed with Pfizer, but the last shot was in June. More than four months will have passed when I arrive in Ft. Lauderdale and what I have read suggests that research shows Pfizer loses a lot of effectiveness after four months, which is why they recommended booster shots. But, neither here nor in Florida, can I get a booster. The CDC says not until after 5 months and Ontario hasn’t released a booster plan that I am aware of.
So, with great trepidation, I plan to start showing up at the shows. I feel certain the crowds will be thick at FLIBS. They were at Annapolis and with the continued (and unprecedented) demand for new boats, this should be a great show. I’m excited about that.
I just hope I am well enough to report the news back to you next week. Lots of mixed emotions on this one.
Andy Adams – Editor