Save the date – register for the annual Boating BC Conference, November 20 to 22, 2023

Sept 11, 2023
The annual Boating BC Conference is set for November 21 and 22nd with Marina Night on Monday November 20th. It is being held at the brand-new Delta Marriott Hotel and Cascades Casino. The conference is shaping up to be a terrific blend of speakers, panelists, socializing and fun. Registration for hotel rooms is now open and we have secured a terrific rate of $189.00/night but rooms are limited! Please be sure to book your rooms early. Click here to book your room. The conference registration is also open on the Boating BC website with early bird rates in effect.
Sponsorship opportunities are also available. This is a great way to help support our association and also get your company message and products in front of over 200 industry member companies. Click here to download the sponsorship package or contact our office at anytime to discuss the available opportunities.