ABYC and USCG Announce Risk Mitigation Webinar: Navigating Compliance in the Age of Evolving Technology

July 31, 2023
Free registration is now open for November webinar
Jeff Ludwig from the USCG speaks during ABYC/USCG Risk Mitigation Series Webinar
The United States Coast Guard (USCG) and American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) have announced a date and opened registration for the next free online USCG/ABYC Risk Mitigation Series. The fifth webinar of the Risk Mitigation Series will be “Navigating Compliance in the Age of Evolving Technology” to be held Nov. 1, 2023, from 2-4 p.m. EDT. Join ABYC and USCG experts as they explore the future of USCG factory visits, sustainability practices including lithium-ion batteries and alternative fuels, and product compliance measures that are vital to thrive in a world of rapid advancement.
“We are thrilled to continue the popular risk mitigation series in collaboration with ABYC,” said Jeff Ludwig, chief of the Recreational Boating Product Assurance Branch at the U.S. Coast Guard. “As the technical landscape continues to evolve, it remains important for our industry to convene at such events to ensure we uphold the highest standards of boating safety.”
“Testing and documenting your products compliance plays a pivotal role as the marine industry advances,” said Craig Scholten, ABYC technical vice president. Today’s products have many more features and are far more complex to evaluate and service than in the past. This event is designed to help businesses stay ahead by leveraging accessible compliance tools and resources.”
To register free, please visit www.abycinc.org/riskmitigation.
The USCG/ABYC Risk Mitigation Series are recurring online events dedicated to reducing the risk involved in designing and building recreational boats. These events are free and recorded. To view past recordings, see below or visit www.abycinc.org :
Series 1—Regulations and Electrification
Series 2—Put the Fire Out
Series 3—Defect Notification and Product Recalls
Series 4 – Staying Current with Electrification