ABYC and USCG Choose Topic for Online Risk Mitigation: Series 2

Feb 15, 2022
Free online conference “Put the Fire Out!” focuses on fire suppression, standards, and requirements.
The United States Coast Guard (USCG) and American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) have set the date for the next free online Risk Mitigation Series, dedicated to reducing the risk involved in designing and building recreational boats. Registration is now open for Risk Mitigation: Series 2–Put the Fire Out!, scheduled for Tuesday, May 17, 2022.
The USCG/ABYC Risk Mitigation: Series 1–Regulations and Electrification in November 2021 attracted over 400 registrants. To follow that success, Put the Fire Out! will focus on fire suppression systems, standards, and requirements with roundtable discussions that include the professionals who write and enforce the standards as well as manufacturers and experts who work in fire suppression on a daily basis.
“We anticipate this topic will stimulate the same levels of informed discussion we saw in Series 1,” says Jeff Ludwig, Chief, Recreational Boating Product Assurance Branch of the Coast Guard’s Office of Auxiliary & Boating Safety. “These roundtables will focus on the regulations and approval ratings for emerging technology as well as how manufacturers, inspectors, and investigators can be certain they are up to speed with new guidelines and standards.”
“We are thrilled to be partnering with the Coast Guard on this second installment of the Risk Mitigation Series,” says John Adey, president of ABYC. “With presenters representing the regulatory and testing agencies alongside manufacturers and inspectors, we expect both the attendees and the panelists to walk away with new insights and some practical knowledge.”
For more information about Put the Fire Out! and to register for free, please visit www.abycinc.org/riskmitigation.
The USCG Risk Mitigation Series hosts interactive and in-depth discussions related to one general topic on a reoccurring basis. To access the free recording for Series 1—Regulations and Electrification please visit www.abycinc.org/riskmitigation1-recording.