ABYC sets new dates for Marine Law Symposium and Annual Meeting

Jan 25, 2022
The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) has confirmed new dates for the 2022 Marine Law Symposium and ABYC’s annual meeting, following a postponement due to mounting public health concerns. ABYC’s annual meeting will be held virtually Feb. 8, 2022, and the Marine Law Symposium will take place April 6 in Providence, Rhode Island.
“The decision to postpone wasn’t easy, but we are happy to quickly announce our plans moving forward,” said ABYC President John Adey. “Last year we conducted a successful virtual annual meeting so this is not new territory, and due to proprietary information from our speakers, the Marine Law Symposium will be in-person in the spring when we expect travel and gathering requirements to be more favorable.”
ABYC’s virtual annual meeting, scheduled Feb. 8 at 5:30 p.m. EST, is an opportunity to connect the industry in a casual environment and includes updates from ABYC board members and annual awards. All are welcome to participate. Registration is free at www.abycinc.org/annualmeeting.
The ABYC Marine Law Symposium speaker lineup and agenda remains as originally planned with case studies of accident investigations and litigation that impact today’s verdicts, evidence and expert testimony tips, and common liability risks with prevention steps. Registration is open at www.abycmarinelaw.com.