ACBS Toronto’s 2022 Vintage Boat Show in Gravenhurst was a hit!

July 25, 2022
The Antique and Classic Boat Society Toronto chapter (ACBS Toronto) returned to a live event on Saturday July 9th in Gravenhurst, Ontario and the results exceeded all expectations. This was the 41st show held by the group of volunteers, and many attending the show shared their praise and positive comments on social media during the show and the days following.
This exciting boat show is one of the event highlights in Muskoka each summer.
Some of the finest Vintage, Antique and Classic Boats ever designed, built and restored are brought by their owners from near and far for this incredible show.
Typically there are over 100 boat exhibitors in the water and on land. The range of craft is vast: from elegant mahogany Gentleman’s Racers to dainty Dippy’s to nimble Cedar Strips to flashy Fibreglass and while there are several that are over 100 years old, you’ll also see some reproduction boats which honour their originals.
This year there were 111 boats on display for the enjoyment of the estimated 5,000 who attended. Admission is free and while most come to admire the boats, they also come for the food, Vendor’s Alley and to search out the Nautical Flea Market for that elusive boat part or visit the Maple Leaf Antique Outboard Club for their display and sale, or a wander through the Boats4Sale area looking for their next project.
While not a judged show, 2023 will be, ACBS-Toronto did recognize a select number of boats for special awards and this year’s show.
One of the awards was presented to the oldest documented wood boat at the show. This year’s winner was “At Ease” a 1896 Dan Kidney and Sons Canoe Stern Double Ender owned by Bill Ringo. There were ten boats recognized that were over a century old and one of those was Makalika – a 1902 Lozier built by Matthews and now owned by a family in Muskoka whose boat house is only a few miles from where the original owners kept it.
Makalika is freshly restored and ready for another century of enjoyment. Check out the Canadian Yachting Facebook page at to learn more and see the boat run:
If you didn’t make it to the Vintage Boat Show this year, put Saturday, July 8, 2023 on your calendar now!