Boating Industry Canada Employer of Choice Awards will be announced soon!

Jan 4, 2022
With everything going on the in the world today, it is important to not lose sight of your most valuable asset – your employees! The Boating Industry Canada Employer of Choice Award provides businesses and organizations, the opportunity to thank their employees, get the recognition they deserve and promote a preferred employer brand in their communities.
The latest Employer of Choice Award winners will be announced in the coming weeks.
Kerrwil Publications has partnered with CCEOC Inc. to bring this unique award to the market.
Winners receive a beautiful trophy and will be profiled in Boating Industry Canada News Week Digest. Winners will also be listed on the Boating Industry, Canadian Yachting and CCEOC websites. All participating organizations have the option to purchase their Data Summary & Benchmark report. The report is invaluable for analyzing and improving retention, engagement and overall employee wellbeing.
To learn more about this valuable employee development resource, visit: