Federal Government Empowers Minister of Transport to Curb Watercraft Usage

Nov 7, 2023
In their October newsletter, NMMA Canada alerted their readers that on October 12, the federal government had announced a streamlined process to restrict the use of watercrafts on lakes and rivers. Under this new process, the Minister of Transport has the authority to issue interim orders upon receiving a request from other levels of government, including municipalities.
The federal government is temporarily availing themselves of this power while they engage in longer-term consultations on Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (VORR).
The Government of Canada is exploring long-term revisions for the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (VORR) and is engaging in public consultations. These consultations are currently live on the Let’s Talk Transportation website.
NMMA Canada is now working with all MTAs to ensure we have an aligned response to government as the submission is due by December 11.
NMMA is awaiting a meeting with Minister Bibeau’s office to gain clarification as to their approach and seek additional background on the issue. We will also be reaching out to Transport Canada to receive a technical briefing with the Director General, Marine Safety and Security.
The House of Commons Transport Committee has agreed to undertake a study of regulations governing recreational boating on Canada’s waterways. NMMA Canada has submitted a letter and requested to appear as a witness when the committee schedules time for the study.