Free, online conference for coastal communities on impacts of rising water levels

Oct 26, 2021
US Harbors to host a national conference to help coastal communities–and their citizens–understand and prepare for changes in coastal water levels, including king tides, storm surges, and sea-level rise.
US Harbors is hosting a free, online conference with internationally renowned experts speaking on key aspects of rising coastal water levels. The purpose of the event is to help communities understand what is happening–and predicted to happen–with rising water-levels and learn about how to track, and plan for, these conditions.
• EVENT DATE/TIME: November 17, 2021, from 1-4pm EST
• LOCATION: Online, registration required.
• EVENT TITLE: “Rising with the Tide: Keeping Our Communities Above Water”
• SUBTITLE: “Understanding & Planning for Changing Tides, Storm Surges, and Sea-Level Rise”
• John Englander, renowned author (High Tide on Main Street, and Moving to Higher Ground), oceanographer, international speaker, and expert on climate change and sea level rise.
• Renee Collini leads Place: SLR, a multi-state network of stakeholders, researchers, NGOs, and state and federal agencies to build tools and programs to address gaps in sea-level rise observing, research, and decision-making in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Collini is an author on the Fifth National Climate Assessment’s Coastal Effects Chapter.
• David Wolcott, senior oceanographer with NOAA, specializing in tide and coastal water level monitoring technologies and predictions.
• Anastasia Fischer, President, US Harbors started US Harbors’ program to get affordable, easy to maintain, hyper-local tide stations into communities that currently lack this critical data.
• Breakout Session #1: New Solutions for Affordable Hyper-Local Tide & Sea-Level Monitoring
• Breakout Session #2: Models for Community Engagement