NMMA Proactively Lobbies on Mandatory Life Jackets, Boating Access & Restrictions

Mar 27, 2023
In their March 22,2023 member newsletter, NMMA Canada described how the association has been proactively lobbying on two regulatory files that could have a major impact on the boating industry.
Last Fall, Transport Canada signalled that the government is exploring new regulations for mandatory life jacket wear on pleasure craft. NMMA Canada and the recreational boating community have long been leaders in promoting safety on the water. At the same time, we believe that rules should be harmonized with other North American jurisdictions and grounded in statistical evidence. Our letter (linked here) to Transport Canada reflects this approach. Transport Canada has concluded an initial consultation on mandatory wear and will be developing draft regulations in the coming months based on the feedback. NMMA Canada invites you to share your feedback with Jim Wielgosz at jwielgosz@nmma.org.
As well, NMMA Canada has been actively engaging with Transport Canada on proposals that could result in new boating restrictions and less public consultation when bans are introduced. In particular, the association is concerned about changes that would devolve more power to regulate boating to municipalities and give the Transport Minister new powers to introduce boating restrictions. As NMMA Canada’s letter states:
“NMMA Canada and our industry partners enjoy a strong relationship with Transport Canada and other federal departments. We share the goals of ensuring boaters have a safe and enjoyable experience on the water; protecting our natural environment; and growing local economies and jobs. However, we find worrisome the recent trend of legislative and regulatory changes that target recreational boating. We are eager to collaborate with the government on an approach that accounts for stakeholder concerns while ensuring recreational boating can thrive and grow. We would request a meeting with Transport Canada officials to explore these ideas further.”
You can read our full letter to Transport Canada here.