Still time to register! NMMA Canada Virtual State of the Industry Session February 8, 2022

Feb 1, 2022
While the industry cannot be together for its usual State of the Industry breakfast, NMMA Canada is pleased to invite you to a FREE virtual event on Tuesday, February 8th from 11:00 am-12:00 pm. The event will include presentations of high-level data on the recreational boating market in 2021 and analysis from a Wells Fargo economist.
This year’s event will feature Nick Bennenbroek, a managing director and head of Currency Strategy for Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. Nick offers foreign exchange markets analysis to help customers manage the risks and opportunities of operating and investing in these markets. He appears frequently on business television and in media such as Bloomberg and CNBC, and his research is often quoted in financial publications such as The Wall Street Journal.
Plus, we are pleased to welcome John Brassard, MP (Barrie–Innisfil) who will offer remarks on the impact of manufacturing and recreational boating in Ontario and across the country. Mr. Brassard was first elected in 2015 and re-elected in 2019 and 2021; he currently serves as the Shadow Minister for Ethics and Accountable Government. Prior to federal politics, Mr. Brassard was a firefighter for over 30 years.
Click HERE to register before the session starts today.
Nick Bennenbroek (left), John Brassard, MP