Space Application Process begins for the 2023 Vancouver International Boat Show

Aug 2, 2022
Canadian Boat Shows and Boating BC have announced that the 2023 Vancouver International Boat Show space application process is now open. The show will be held February 1-5, 2023 at BC Place & Granville Island.
This year will be an event not to be missed – there is so much pent-up demand, and we can’t wait to welcome everyone! The enthusiasm is already building from exhibitors and attendees to be celebrating the Show’s 60th Anniversary!– so here we go for 2023!
All Exhibitors should have received their applications by email within the past few days. Please check your inbox. Please let the show organizers know if you have not received yours.
Please review your company information and indicate any corrections/changes, directly on the application. You can also CLICK HERE for a blank application for any working dealers and new exhibitors:
Please Sign and return the application to us, along with your 50% deposit – by August 31, 2022.
Please make cheques payable to: Canadian Boat Shows
Mailing Address for payments:
14 McEwan Drive West, Unit 8
Bolton, ON
L7E 1H1
Email Address to Return Applications:
Linda Waddell:
Fax # to Return Applications to: 888-263-8675
Wire or Electronic Payment Options Are Available!:
Boating BC Membership: Membership in good standing is required. If you are not a member of the association and would like more information, let us know and we will connect you with the appropriate contact at Boating BC.
We’re looking forward to getting the application process underway for Vancouver’s 60th Show!