The enjoyable experience of working at a marina

June 26, 2023
By: Elizabeth Perron
Having now worked at Queens Cove Marina for over a month, here is everything that I’ve learned, loved and laughed at.
My first day was on May 6th and it was very different from what I expected, but in the best way possible. When the marina was still quiet, my work included mostly cleaning and maintenance. Many boaters were at the marina –though they were confined to dry land. This meant that our washrooms and other facilities needed tending to.
However, the tasks that I started with continue to change as time progresses and will continue to do so. Now, as business picks up, I can be found on the gas dock, fueling up a boat, performing a pump out, cashing out a customer, or tidying up the area.
My favourite task is definitely helping customers fuel up. I love to chat with them to hear about a funny story, their next big boat trip, or their plans for the weekend. The boating community is always welcoming, entertaining and humorous. These little interactions make the day all the better. In this customer-service role I have learned that boaters love to talk!
I am so grateful to have developed so many new skills. There are the obvious ones such as learning how to pump gas, complete a pump-out, and catch and tie a boat off. However, I also sharpened my problem-solving skills, developed a willingness to accept challenges and became quicker on my feet. When you hear “DON’T LET IT HIT THE DOCK”, you learn to get moving pretty quickly!
I am surprised that along with my responsibilities, I have adopted a certain level of care with customers, and their boats. I did not expect to become an even more careful person. When someone puts their boat – their pride and joy – in your hands, it can be daunting. However, it has helped me pay closer attention to details and I really make an effort to help in any way I can.
Even though I have only been an employee for a short period of time, I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience. From the odd-ball tasks to a regular fuel-up, this job truly has something for everyone. It honestly does not feel like work. I look forward to spending the rest of my summer in a fun, interesting, and rewarding environment.
Elizabeth Perron has now completed her summer internship at Kerrwil Media Limited and is spending the rest of her summer at Queen’s Cove Marina in Victoria Harbour, Ontario.