
Top 12 Characteristics of Great Leadership


Oct 17, 2022

By: Jeff Doran, President, CCEOC Inc.
“Lead me, follow me or get out of my way”, is a famous quote from General George S. Patton. In the 80’s, former Chairman of Chrysler Corporation, Lee Iacocca shortened it to: “lead, follow or get out of the way”. No matter how you phrase it, it still applies in today’s fast paced, globally competitive market.
As always, leaders need to be decisive and take charge. But these days they need to be so much more. Leaders need to be motivators, mentors, coaches, therapists, builders, educators, environmentalists, cheerleaders, clowns and caretakers. It sounds like a tough job. And it can be if you’re unsure of your own strengths and weaknesses.
The most successful leaders understand their strengths and weaknesses and they know how to create balance to get the most out of themselves and their people.
Great leaders display a multitude of characteristics that define their leadership approach. I have listed 12 leadership characteristics that might help leaders move from being good to being great.
12 Characteristics of a great leader:
1.     Trustful – belief in people’s integrity and truthfulness
2.     Respectful – appreciate diversity and treat people with a high degree of dignity
3.     Compassionate – show genuine concern and personal interest with employees
4.     Courageous – display strong resolve in the face of adversity
5.     Creative – not afraid to try something different and accepting of new ideas
6.     Asset driven – view employees as assets to nurture rather than numbers on a page                                                                                                       
7.     Fair – never prejudge. Always weigh both sides of the argument
8.     Persistent – be prepared to stick it out through to the end
9.     Approachability – always available for employees
10.  Responsible – always do what you say you will do and be accountable for your actions
11.  Competent – has the experience and understanding to perform successfully
12.  Communication – keeping employees in the loop – both good and bad news
All 12 are important, however Communication stands out as one of the most critical attributes.
How do great leaders become great communicators? They deliver the right information, at the right time through the right channels. They look for feedback and respect alternative points of view. They deliver the message to their audience quickly and effectively. Great leaders deliver good news and bad news with the same frankness and empathy. As a result, employees feel more empowered and connected to the organization.
People-focused organizations are built on a foundation of open and honest communication and great leaders know this. It’s a powerful way to build trust and respect. One thing to always keep in mind; it’s always better to over communicate than under communicate.
The Boating Industry Canada Employer of Choice (BICEOC) Award
The Boating Industry Canada Employer of Choice (BICEOC) Award is the only made-in-Canada, national recognition for the country’s recreational marine industry. It creates leading employer brand recognition and a true competitive advantage for attracting, retaining and engaging top talent.
Benefits of becoming an Employer of Choice:

• More qualified candidates
• Reduced turnover
• More engaged and committed workforce
• Positive employer branding and PR
• Higher customer satisfaction and loyalty
• Lower operating costs
• Increased productivity 
Two award categories (multiple winners in each category):
1) Dealers & Marinas
2) Marine Business: Manufacturers, Suppliers, Service Providers, Retailers and Distributors
What the Winners Get…
• Engraved trophy
• Recognition in a special feature in Boating Industry Canada News Week Digest
• Press release announcing winners
• Unlimited use of the BICEOC logo
• Listing on the BICEOC and Boating Industry Canada News Week Digest websites
• Award presentation at Toronto International Boat Show
• Data Summary Report & data review
• Action plan development
To learn more about the Boating Industry Canadian Employer of Choice award program please go the website www.biceoc.com  or call 416-886-7007
About CCEOC Inc.

CCEOC Inc., a leader in employer of choice initiatives and corporate culture development, has been providing the market sector Employer of Choice award programs since 2004.

Jeff Doran, President

Andy Adams, Editor
Boating Industry Canada

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