Transport Canada wants to modernize the VORR and manage Long-term Anchoring

Nov 28, 2023
By Andy Adams
You have until December 11 to make your opinions heard. In our story in Boating Industry Canada News Week Digest last week about the recent CMAC meetings in Ottawa, we discussed that Transport Canada is considering new regulation in a number of areas.
When you participate in this, you are required to register and then the government follows up as part of the public and industry process of developing (or dropping) new legislation.
I received this reminder that Transport Canada has launched the following consultations on Transport Canada’s ‘Let’s Talk Transportation’ web-portal:
These consultations are available until December 11, 2023. After that, the input will be considered and potential new regulation will be drafted to appear in the Canada Gazette Part 1 in 2024. From there, and assuming no significant opposition, the final draft of the new legislation will go into the Canada Gazette Part 2 the next year after which it will be passed into law.
Your input and views are an important part of these regulatory initiatives. Please visit the websites and provide your feedback to the National CMAC Secretariat.
(Here is a link to last week’s story on the CMAC Meetings for your reference)