URGENT call for all marine industry professionals to respond to Transport Canada mandatory PFD proposals

Feb 10, 2023
All of Canada’s marine trade associations are seeking input from their members on Transport Canada’s mandatory life jacket / PFD discussion.
For guidance, Boating Ontario’s position on the mandatory life jacket / PFD discussion is as follows:
-We are in favour of mandatory wear on human powered vessels
-We are in favour of developing an effective solution that protects children
-We are in favour of a three-year national law enforcement survey which tracks the size of all watercraft involved in incidents. The data from this would help determine the most effective solutions regarding vessel length for mandatory wear.
Transport Canada has released the following bulletin regarding mandatory wear of PFD’s or lifejackets on pleasure craft. The industry has only until February 20th to respond – please see the details below and take a few moments NOW to provide your input.
Thanks in advance.
At the fall 2022 meeting of the Canadian Marine Advisory Council, Transport Canada indicated it would be seeking views on the criteria regarding the mandatory wear of personal flotation devices (PFDs) and lifejackets on pleasure craft. Given your role in the safety of recreational boating in Canada, we would value your input on which criteria should be considered in the development of potential regulatory options to address fatalities resulting from either the lack or improper wear of PFDs and lifejackets.
Possible criteria for the mandatory wear of PFDs:
These criteria are under discussion for the mandatory wear of PFDs or lifejackets and were developed following work by Transport Canada, the Canadian Safe Boating Council and partners in 2021, analysis of data on recreational boating-related incidents in Canada, and feedback received to date from both stakeholders and the public. They include the following:
Age Requirements:
• Require the mandatory wearing of a PFD or lifejacket for any person aged 14 years or younger on board a pleasure craft; or
• Require the mandatory wearing of a PFD or lifejacket for any person aged 18 years or younger on board a pleasure craft.
Vessel Size Requirements:
• Require the mandatory wearing of a PFD or lifejacket for any person on board any pleasure craft 6 metres (19.685 feet) in length and below; or
• Require the mandatory wearing of a PFD or lifejacket for any person on board any pleasure craft 9 metres (29.527 feet) in length and below
Vessel Type Requirements:
• Require the mandatory wearing of a PFD or lifejacket for any person on board any motorized vessel (i.e., powerboats); or
• Require the mandatory wearing of a PFD or lifejacket for any person on board any motorized vessel (i.e., powerboats) and human-powered vessel (i.e., canoes, kayaks)
On the basis of these criteria, we would like your feedback on the following questions:
• Which criteria would your organization support?
• Are there any criteria your organization disagrees with? If so, why?
• Are there any variations to the criteria you feel should be included?
• Do you feel all criteria are necessary?
• Are there any additional criteria your organization feels should be included in the consultation?
Please provide your feedback to MSSRegulations-ReglementsSSM@tc.gc.ca on the above questions by February 20, 2023. Should you have any questions or require more information regarding this ongoing project to explore mandatory wear, please reach out to Heidi Craswell.
Thank you for your efforts and contribution as we collectively work to enhance the safety of recreational boaters across the country.
Your Boating Ontario Team