Winners Announced for the 2023 Boating Industry Canada Employer of Choice (BICEOC) Awards

Jan 23, 2023
CCEOC Inc. and Boating Industry Canada News Week Digest are pleased to announce the winners of this year’s Boating Industry Canada Employer of Choice (BICEOC) Awards.
This is a national award program that recognizes and promotes the best employers in the Canadian boating industry.
Companies that take part in the program must submit a Company Profile and complete the Employee Commitment survey. A combined score determines if an organization has achieved the award.
There are two categories:
• Dealers & Marinas
• Marine Business: Manufacturers, Suppliers, Service Providers, Retailers and Distributors
Winners are recognized at industry events and in an upcoming edition of the Boating Industry Canada News Week Digest. They also receive an engraved trophy, press release, unlimited use of the BICEOC logo, social media exposure and a listing on the Boating Industry Canada and BICEOC websites.
This year’s award winners include:
• CMP Group Ltd.
• Desmadson’s Marine
• Dometic
• Gibbons Motor Toys
• M&P Mercury Sales Ltd.
• Novatec Braids, Ltd.
• Princecraft
“I’m very excited for these companies,” said Jeff Doran, president of CCEOC Inc. “With the ongoing challenges of managing through the pandemic, these companies have continued to show resiliency and demonstrate how important their people are to the success of the business. They have worked hard to create world class cultures and preferred employer brands.”
“The universal challenge facing our marine industry and in fact, industries around the world, is a shortage of labour. We are enthusiastic supporters of the Employer of Choice program as an excellent way to attract and retain the people we need to succeed,” stated Andy Adams, Boating Industry Canada Editor.
All participants have the opportunity to develop continuous improvement plans through their employee survey data report. These reports provide targeted insights that help address key organizational challenges to improve employee engagement and build a better corporate culture.
The winners have shown high scores in the areas of leadership, engagement and personal enjoyment. They can now take advantage of unique branding opportunities to help attract and retain the best talent in the market. They can also use the assessment data to improve employee engagement and help make their companies even better places to work and do business with.
To learn more about the Boating Industry Canada Employer of Choice award program please go the website or call 416-886-7007
About CCEOC Inc.
CCEOC Inc., a leader in employer of choice initiatives and corporate culture development, has been delivering market sector Employer of Choice award programs since 2004.
CCEOC works with organizations to assess, develop, and advance employer of choice cultures, improve the employee/customer experience, and provide innovative solutions to help build high-morale, high-performing organizations.