Eight Bells – John Weakley

Mar 8, 2022
It is with great sadness that we note the passing of John Weakley. He was active in sailing and racing circles for all his life. He served as Rear Commodore and Commodore of PCYC and was a valued member of the Board of Trustees and Fleet Committee. He sailed in everything from Wayfarers to 8 Meters.
He was a National Race Officer and Club Judge and was very active in those roles. For many years he ran the J24 Racing at Port Credit Yacht Club in Mississauga ON and helped on many weeknight events. John was made an honourary member of the Canadian J/24 Class. He was usually found at almost all the GTA Regattas and at CORK in Kingston during the sailing season. John was a huge supporter of Ontario Sailing acting in many capacities including being the first website host.
His work with junior sailors and race officials is legendary. He was always available to help whenever and whenever he could. His health was failing these last few years but he was usually around offering to help at most events.
It is said that the measure of a person is not what they took from this life but what they gave. His was a life of service and he will be missed.
A formal Celebration of Life is being planned for later in the year by his family.