One-step solution to bringing new life to gelcoat

Mar 14, 2023
Sunlight, dirt, salt and calcium deposits can make even a late-model boat look old and tired. Fiberglass Reconditioner from Iosso Products is the fast and easy one-step solution to bringing new life back to faded gelcoat.
Made in the USA, Iosso Fiberglass Reconditioner quickly removes oxidation, hazing, chalking, waterline staining, rust marks and oily exhaust stains. The formula restores the boat’s original pigment, no matter if it’s white, black, or a dark or light color. It leaves a high-gloss shine and protective coating that lasts for months without additional waxing. Because it doesn’t contain silicone, it’s safe to use on boats that may be refinished later. A one-pound jar will clean a 30′ vessel from the waterline up.
Using Fiberglass Reconditioner is simple. The creamy paste is applied to a manageable working area and buffed by hand or machine in an overlapping up-and-down, back-and-forth pattern. As the material is worked, the gelcoat’s color intensifies and a deep mirror-like finish develops. It’s ideal for bringing the sparkle back to metal rails, fittings and hardware and is safe to use on vinyl graphics. A demonstration video is at