VETUS announces integration of BOW PRO thrusters with Mercury Marine® Joystick Piloting system

Mar 7, 2022
VETUS has collaborated with Mercury Marine® to enable the integration of its BOW PRO thrusters with Mercury Joystick Piloting for Outboards (JPO).
The compatible systems join seamlessly to create a compelling solution that enhances the joystick piloting experience. The integration provides increased control of any size boat with twin, or more Mercury Verado outboards.
Achieved using a bow thruster integration kit from Mercury, the new systems integration allows Mercury to capitalize on the unique features and advantages of the VETUS BOW PRO thruster range, including the NMEA 2000-certified CAN bus interface allowing control of the proportional thruster from Mercury’s joystick. Further benefits of the extremely efficient BOW PRO units are the built-in safety features, enabling boaters to extensively use their system without overload or overheating issues, and the industry’s first boosted charging capabilities as standard with the BOW PRO Boosted range.
VETUS MAXWELL U.S. President Chris DeBoy said: “VETUS has introduced unique technology within our expanding BOW PRO thruster family to make life easier onboard for skippers and crew. To offer the best user experience of the series, it is vital we continue to work closely with the best manufacturers on system integration. We are therefore delighted to collaborate with Mercury Marine® to combine our thrusters with their joystick piloting solution. We are confident that the significant benefits of both systems will offer a leading option for OEMs and an improved experience for users. To further expand integration possibilities in the future, VETUS is working on an analog interface to allow control of the BOW PRO series from analog devices, such as single-lever control thruster buttons.”
The VETUS-Mercury Marine integrated solution requires next-generation Digital Throttle & Shift (DTS) controls and is applicable for use with Verado outboards of 250 hp and more, on boats with twin or more engines.
The VETUS BOW PRO thruster family includes 22 models for tunnels ranging from 110 to 300 mm and 12 V to 48 V. The latest additions to the range are the new BOW PRO Boosted 300 series for boats up to 30 m/95 ft.
Benefits of the BOW PRO units include the VETUS CAN bus interface which allows control of the thruster across a NMEA 2000 network while also providing status updates from the thruster back to the network. Safety features prevent damage to the batteries due to low-voltage or overheating the thruster. Learn more at