Parks Canada has launched a 2 for 1 promotional offer on the Trent-Severn Waterway and requests your assistance in making it a success.
From May 15 to June 30, 2015 when boaters purchase a single-lock-&-return permit or a one-day permit and present the special 2 for 1 coupon, they get a second permit of equal value for free!
The aim of this initiative is to increase boating traffic along the waterways by facilitating new experiences for boaters. This coupon will allow users to go twice as far or to share the experience with a fellow boater. This will ultimately benefit the entire industry and as such, we are inviting our partners along the Trent-Severn to participate by supporting the marketing of this offer and the distribution of the coupon.
Distribution of this coupon was initiated in January of this year at the Toronto International Boat Show. It was also distributed at the Ottawa Boat and Sportsmen’s Show and the Spring Cottage Life Show in Toronto. Coupons will also be available at all lockstations from May 15 to June 30, 2015.
Please find attached a poster and coupon (French & English). Coupons can also be downloaded from the web using the link below. It would be greatly appreciated if you would print these, prominently display the poster and provide the coupons to your members.
We would also gladly provide you with hardcopy versions of the poster and coupons should you wish. Please contact either myself or Gwen MacDonald at 705 750 4067 to receive your package of coupons.
Parks Canada is proud of the boating experiences that Ontario has to offer and keen to work with our valued partners to further expose Canadians and visitors to the many opportunities available on the Historic Canals and in all of Ontario.