Avikus expands U.S. Sales and Support Team

Brandon Yammine

May 28, 2024

AVIKUS, HD Hyundai’s autonomous navigation in-house startup, has announced the expansion its sales and support team with the addition of two new hires. To better service its existing customers and build new relationships, Parrish Westbrook has joined the team as Director of OEM and Dealer Sales, and Brandon Yammine has assumed the role of Technical Support Manager.

Parrish Westbrook

Westbrook is a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in the marine industry, including his roles as Vice President at The Marine Guardian and National Sales and OEM Accounts Manager at GOST. In his new position, Westbrook will use his expertise and industry knowledge to develop new business opportunities by forging new partnerships with dealers and boat builders. His focus will be on relationship management, business development and managing strategic growth initiatives. Hailing from south Florida, Westbrook has a deep-rooted passion for boating and fishing. He is a dedicated member of the National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) committee.
As Technical Support Manager, Yammine will be working closely with OEMs, dealers and partners to integrate and deploy Avikus technology in the recreational boating market. In support of the development team, he will also lead product testing. An electrical engineer, Yammine’s experience includes electrical design, software development, testing and data analysis, boat manufacturing and business development. He has extensive knowledge of ABYC standards and holds advanced certifications from the NMEA and the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA). Having grown up on the water, he has always loved boating and is dedicated to making a positive impact on the industry.
“We are very excited to welcome Parrish and Brandon to our team and look forward to their positive impact on the brand’s standing with our customers and partners,” said Lim Do-hyeong, CEO of Avikus. “Each with their own expertise, we are confident that we will make full use of their experience and industry knowledge. We welcome them aboard.”

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