The 13th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST) September 1-4 at the FHI 360 Conference Center in Washington, DC, represents a unique opportunity for marine industry products and services suppliers to reach an exclusive audience of scientists, engineers, academics, defense agencies and others who are engaged in cutting-edge work to advance maritime technologies.
A limited number of tabletop exhibit and sponsorship opportunities are available.
Tabletop exhibits, at a cost of $900 for all three days of the conference, include one full conference registration which offers even more opportunities to engage and network with key decisio nmakers. Click here for exhibit details.
Exclusive FAST 2015 sponsorship packages are also available. All sponsors enjoy premier recognition, including:
• Company logo and link on the conference web site (
• Rotating Banner on the conference web site homepage.
• Sponsor recognition in all press releases, promotions and marketing materials.
• Profile/Recognition in the conference program.
• Specific dedicated marketing pieces.