May 22, 2018
For those interested in the Trent Severn system, we are happy to provide a brief update on the project to replace the BrightonRoad Swing Bridge.
The bridge abutments have now been back-filled (pictured) and the areaaround them is being constructed, leveled and compacted. Two weeks agocontractors at the site worked on improving ditches and culverts at theBarcovan Beach Road intersection. Last week the bridge was lowered fromits temporary supports onto beams, and a partial balancing of the bridgeconducted. Portions of the bridge, like the guardrails and posts, continueto be fabricated in a machine shop offsite.
Within the next couple of weeks the bridge deck will be paved and thecounter weight will be poured. The bridge has unequal arms so a counterweight is required to balance the bridge.
A reminder that the Trent-Severn Waterway and the Murray Canal will openfor navigation before the Victoria Day weekend. The bridge will be in the open position andboat traffic in the canal will no longer be impeded. Washroom facilities are temporarily unavailable. For specific boater information during theoperating season, follow @TSWBoaterInfo .
The bridge is expected to open for vehicle traffic near the end of June.