June 16, 2020
Vantage Resource Group, Inc. is proud to announce a new Certified Clean program for marine dealers to implement in their dealerships.
Vantage Certified Clean™ utilizes an EPA Certified surface disinfectant and cleaner that has demonstrated effectiveness against viruses similar to COVID-19. When applied to the interior boat surfaces with the Patented Tornador®, large surfaces can be covered in seconds.
“This same disinfectant and cleaning product coupled with the Tornador® tool is also a remarkable detailing device, able to clean difficult to reach areas in a fraction of the time required with traditional methods. “explains Ross Solwold, President of Vantage Resource Group, Inc.
The Vantage Certified Clean ™ program was developed to provide a turn-key solution for dealers to promote a safe environment for their customers and employees. The high quality marketing support materials, in conjunction with the Reunited on the Water™ campaign initiative, reinforces that message.
About Vantage Resource Group
Vantage Resource Group first began testing and development of protection film kits in 2009 for the recreational vehicle and marine industries. Our alignment with 3M as a National Market Developer allowed us the opportunity to work with, and test, the highest quality protection and wrap film options in the world. As a dealer and OEM supplier, Vantage Resource Group is recognized as a leader in this segment. Vantage is also recognized as one of the top protective coatings distributors in the U.S. and Canada. Countless testing hours have been logged in various environments to ensure that all Vantage Protection Products will deliver the results that your customers are looking for to protect their investment, while at the same time providing another revenue stream for the dealership.