Canadian Boat Shows appoints official Print and Digital Show Guide Publisher for 2020

May 30, 2019
Canadian Boat Shows has announced AD ASTRA Media Inc. as the official publisher for the 2020 Toronto and Vancouver International Show Guides.
“We are thrilled to be working with Ad Astra again and know the evolving digital enhancements of the show guides will add a better visitor and advertiser experience.” said Cynthia Hare Show Manager in announcing the appointment.
“This is truly exciting news for Ad Astra Media” said John Kerr President, “not only do we have the opportunity of working with Canada’s Leading boat show organizers and Canada’s leading shows but also we are thrilled to be collaborating with our publishing colleagues at Pacific Yachting who will sell these guides in Western Canada.”
This opportunity marks the first time the two oldest boating titles have collaborated since they were both founded in British Columbia. Canadian Yachting was established in 1976 by Gerald Kidd who co-founded Pacific Yachting in 1968.
The printed version of the guides will continue to be distributed at the front entrances of the shows. In addition, they will reach attendees prior to both shows digitally, and will help boaters plan their visit as evidenced by the high engagement rates witnessed last year.
The Digital Version will link boaters to sites, related content and product information, and can be accessed from any mobile device. Powered by the same technology used by Canadian Yachting, the digital version will provide advertisers a solid set of reports and metrics on their ad performance.
This year the guides will be emailed prior to the shows to a combined list of 100,000 qualified boaters in Canada and have all the functionality of a true digital magazine that is viewed as easily on a mobile, tablet or desktop device.
Canadian Boat Shows
Canadian Boat Shows own and produce the Toronto International Boat Show and on behalf of Boating BC produces the Vancouver International Boat Show. Canada’s two largest Boat Shows are led by one of the most experienced teams in North America. The 2020 dates are; Toronto Boat Show, January 17 – 26 and Vancouver Boat Show, February 5-9.
About Ad Astra Media Inc.
Ad Astra Media in partnership with Kerrwil Publications publishes Canadian Yachting, the Canadian Yachting OnBOARD newsletter, Boating Industry Canada, Boating Industry News Week as well as related websites and . Headquartered in Midland, Ontario, the Ad Astra team boasts the largest paid subscriber base in Canada and the largest digital footprint serving the B2C and B2B boating segments.
About Pacific Yachting
Pacific Yachting has been serving the recreational boating community for over 50 years. Power or sail, Pacific Yachting has a solid commitment to its readers with high-quality and up to date content on a variety of topics. Each month readers get the latest information on cruising destinations, news issues, local attractions, upcoming events, do it yourself projects, fishing spots and more, and every issue brings boat reviews, boat care and the latest in new gear and technology. From the best anchorages to the best pubs, Pacific Yachting knows the Pacific Northwest coast.
For more information please contact;
Canadian Boat Shows
Cynthia Hare
Eric Nicholl
Judy Richardson
Jill Snider
Greg Nicoll
Pacific Yachting WESTERN CANADA
Tyrone Stelzenmuller