Catherine Pourre Appointed Chairwoman of the Board of Groupe Beneteau

Catherine Pourre

June 11, 2024

Groupe Beneteau’s Annual General Meeting was held last week in the presence of its shareholders. Following the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors elected Catherine POURRE as Chairwoman of the Board of Groupe Beneteau.

The Annual General Meeting of BENETEAU SA was held on June 4, 2024: all resolutions were adopted by the shareholders. Following the AGM, the Board of Directors elected Mrs Catherine POURRE as Chairwoman of the Board, and re-elected Mr Louis-Claude ROUX as Vice-Chairman.

Mrs Catherine POURRE, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, declared:

“I would like to thank the Board of Directors for the confidence they have shown in me, and I would like to pay tribute to the work carried out by Yves LYON-CAEN over the last twenty years. I am very honored to take up this position at a time when Groupe Beneteau is celebrating its 140th anniversary. A family-run shipyard that has become a world leader, Groupe Beneteau has everything it takes to continue writing the history of yachting.”

The Board of Directors also renewed the chairmanships of the various Specialized Committees:

Chairman of the Strategic Committee: Louis-Claude ROUX

Chairman of the CSR Committee: Sébastien MOYNOT

Chairwoman of the Audit and Risks Committee: Catherine POURRE

Chairwoman of the Compensation, Appointments and Governance Committee: Marie-Hélène DICK

Go here for more information. 

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