June 16, 2020
The new Mercury Racing 300hp Five‑Blade CNC Cleaver propellers are designed expressly to maximize the performance of 300hp outboards. This new surface‑piercing propeller features a proprietary blade profile that delivers stronger acceleration and more top‑end speed than the Mercury Racing 400hp CNC Cleaver prop when run on the Mercury Racing 300R outboard as well as the legacy Mercury Racing 300XS and 300X outboard models.
“While mainly aimed at twin‑outboard catamaran applications, this new propeller design will also take single‑engine, padded‑vee‑bottom and tunnel boats to a new level of performance,” said Steve Miller, Mercury Racing director of marketing, sales and service. “There’s no room for error when driving these high‑performance boats and that’s the approach we take when building propellers.”
The CNC machining process offers unparalleled benefits compared to standard cast propellers. Pitch, diameter and rake are perfectly true on every Mercury Racing CNC propeller to ensure that lift, handling and speed characteristics are absolutely consistent. Designed to make the most of the Sport Master gearcase and elevated engine heights, the 300hp Five‑Blade Cleaver prop dramatically reduces slip percentages in outboard Sport Master applications, averaging 4.5 percent at wide‑open throttle (WOT).
Thousands of pitch, rake and diameter combinations are available to dial in the maximum performance of almost any boat. Each CNC Cleaver propeller is custom made to order. Diameter range is 14.5 to 15.5 inches, pitch range is 26 to 40 inches in one‑inch increments, with a choice of 15‑degree or 18‑degree rake.
All Mercury Racing propellers carry a one‑year warranty that covers the propeller in its entirety and any damage done to other parts if a failure does occur. All CNC Cleaver props are shipped in a molded plastic Mercury Racing CNC case. For more info, contact Mercury Racing