NMMA Encourages The American Public To Help Pass the Sportsmen’s Act of 2012
In an email communication released November 9th, 2012, the NMMA says that as an American angler, supporting this new government bill is the most important legislative action you can take all year.
Their email blast stated that in the next few days, U.S. Senators are expected to vote on the most comprehensive package of sportsmen’s legislation in recent years. Introduced on September 10, 2012, the Sportsmen’s Act of 2012 (S. 3525) includes 15 bills that will benefit the sportfishing community, as well as recreational shooters and hunters. This historic legislation provides for increased access, habitat conservation and improved fish and wildlife management.
Individual provisions included in this bill that are important to the sportfishing community are: The Hunting, Fishing and Recreational Shooting Protection Act, the National Fish Habitat Conservation Act, and Making Public Land Public Act.
From improving habitat conservation to increasing public access to protecting the use of traditional fishing tackle, this bill would have monumental impacts on anglers and hunters and maintain the American conservation heritage.
We all hope this important bill passes.