“At the push of a button is now all what it takes to install the new version of the tank monitor”, says Torkel Bergström, Sales Manager at FM Marin AB. Furthermore, boat owners no longer need to consider type of tank or what material it’s made of.
Gobius is the only measuring technology that monitors from the outside of the waste holding tank. This external approach translates into a number of benefits; such as ease of installation, reliability in terms of improved accuracy, and last but not least, clean overall handling of septic waste.
The technology at the heart of Gobius is essentially the same as when you tap a glass of water with a spoon – different tones arise depending on the content of water.
Even though relatively easy to install earlier versions of Gobius, the process has required the specification of the type of material the tank is made as well as its wall thickness. Some customers have found this somewhat time consuming. “Therefore, the logical next step was to do away with manual handling altogether”, says the inventor Anders Meiton. The installation is now fully automatic, and as a consequence thereof, monitoring performance is also enhanced.
New features;
1) Fully automatic installation, simply press the button once
2) New sensors, higher efficiency
3) Backwards compatible, works with all generations of sensors
4) Optimized technology brings quieter measurement
5) New reset function
This new technology is implemented on all Gobius tank monitor system and available from now. Gobius for waste tanks will be public display for the first time at the boat show in Sweden, Öppna Varv in Ellös, 21-23 August. In September 11-14, you can see the new Gobius at the boat show in Newport, USA and at the boat show in Southampton, 11-20 September, England.