Simrad Yachting has announced that Simrad HALOTM Pulse Compression Radar has been awarded the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) Innovation Award in the OEM Electronics category at the 2015 International BoatBuilders’ Exhibition & Conference (IBEX).
The Innovation Awards program, organized by the NMMA and judged by Boating Writers International (BWI), recognizes exceptionally innovative new consumer marine products that best meet the criteria of “Having innovative distinction from other products currently manufactured in the marine industry; providing benefit to the marine industry and/or consumer; providing practicality of use; and are cost-effective.” Simrad HALO™ Pulse Compression Radar range is the world’s first high-performance solid-state, open-array radar system with pulse compression technology, suitable for recreational and light marine markets.
Combining the advantages of Broadband Radar™ and traditional pulse radar systems, HALO provides navigational visibility and awareness, as close as 20-feet, within the pulse radar’s short-range “blind spot,” where once only Broadband Radar could operate — all while offering exceptional long-range performance. Additionally, HALO Pulse Compression Radar is slated to receive more innovative features throughout its life cycle, including new features released today, such as even greater MARPA target tracking capabilities – up to 20 targets.
The latest model, Halo-6 with a maximum range of up to 72 nautical miles, has begun to ship to dealers and consumers. “We are deeply honored that the judges have selected HALO for the NMMA Innovation Award,” said Leif Ottosson, CEO of Navico. “Since its release, HALO has continued to receive fantastic reviews from the media, our dealers, and our customers.
This is the second prestigious award for Simrad in 2015 – a strong testament to our company’s commitment to develop innovative products that offer meaningful benefits to anglers and boaters.” Earlier this year in February 2015, Simrad ForwardScan™ Sonar also won an NMMA Innovation Award at the Miami International Boat Show.