The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC), the essential source of technical information in the international marine industry, has announced the addition of two new full time employees: David Broadbent as Technical Standards Specialist and Kevin Ritz as Lead Instructor and Chapter Development Manager.
“I am very excited to have the knowledge of both Kevin and David to offer to our members, said ABYC President John Adey. “Never before has ABYC had such a depth of knowledge to support our membership in their part of the safe boating equation.”
Kevin Ritz has been a part time employee involved with ABYC since 2007 as an instructor and as ABYC’s Pacific Regional Representative. Ritz is a 20 year veteran of marine electrical systems design and implementation and an ABYC Master Marine Technician.
Ritz is now a full time employee where he will act as the primary instructor for ABYC courses and help shape the future of instruction for ABYC with actionable feedback regarding teaching methods, materials and content. Additionally, Ritz will help in establishing regional chapters in order to customize the ABYC experience for individual regions and improve the quality of service.
Another ABYC Master Marine Technician, David Broadbent came to ABYC after graduating from the International Yacht Restoration School (IYRS) in the Marine Systems program. As the Technical Standards Specialist, Broadbent will play a critical role in the development and review of ABYC standards. He will provide technical support for ABYC members, including interpretation of the standards as promulgated by the ABYC volunteer committees.
To learn more about ABYC, visit www.abycinc.org