Aug 5, 2016
The International BoatBuilders’ Exhibition & Conference, the annual North American tradeshow where marine professionals gather to share relevant and important information with their colleagues, will offer over 80 education sessions at the upcoming event taking place Tuesday, October 4-Thursday, October 6 at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, FL. During the three-day event IBEX will feature its Seminar Series, sponsored by ABYC, ABBRA, NMEA, NMMA, and Professional BoatBuilder magazine, offering world-renowned technical education from fundamental skills to cutting-edge advanced training and is designed for shop floor crew, seasoned technicians, and company officers.
“We thank our partners in helping us develop a stellar program that will offer a diverse selection of offerings. There truly is something for everyone,” said Anne Dunbar, IBEX Show Director. “IBEX offers education our attendees cannot get anywhere else in the industry.”
“One of the reasons our seminar program continues to succeed is our willingness to listen to the industry. We gather some of the top minds to discuss what’s relevant, from a technological perspective and also from a timely perspective,” said Sarah Devlin, IBEX Education Director. “The IBEX seminar program continues to evolve with our industry and we invite feedback from our partners and participants to ensure marine professionals continue to thrive through education and training.”
The IBEX education program offers multiple options for people to access information about new processes, technical information, and products including free Tech Talk Workshops, pre-conference Super Sessions, and the popular IBEX Seminar Series. IBEX 2016 will kick off with seven Super Sessions on Monday, October 3rd at the Tampa Convention Center, the day before the exhibit halls open. The Super Sessions will include the NMEA Marine Electronic Installer (MEI) Course, Fiberglass Boat Repair, Digital Switching Control and Monitoring, and more. Click here to read the session descriptions, and view the full Super Sessions schedule.
Following is a breakdown of the seminars that will be offered by IBEX’s education partners.
– American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) will offer courses on Lithium Batteries: Standards, Products, and Applications; Electronic Diagnostic Tools and Techniques; Compliance and Liability Testing on New Builds and Major Refits; Grounding and Galvanic Corrosion; and Standards Gone Wild.
– American Boat Builders & Repairs Association (ABBRA) will offer sessions on HR in the Small Yard; Subcontractors and DIYers: The Risk and Benefit; Workforce Development; and Brush Coatings: Best Practices in Paint and Varnish
– National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) will offer courses on Wireless Electronics; Digital Switching and System Integration; Installing Modern Audio Controls; and Automatic Identification Systems.
National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) will offer courses on ISO 12217: Stability; EPA Boatbuilder Residual Risk Regulations: What it Means for Your Business; Evaporative Emission Regulations; Onboard Diagnostics; and Don’t Kill Your Golden Goose, a seminar dedicated to ensuring the future of your business.
Professional BoatBuilder magazine will offer courses on Marine Sanitation Systems; Corrosion Prevention; Inspection; Techniques for Boatyards and Surveyors; Avoiding Paint; Failure in Aluminum Structures; Solar Panels and Cold Beer; Solving the Energy Equation; Surveying Metal Boats; Tabbing Best Practices; Infused Laminated; Infusion for Production Builders; Modern Options for Vessel Stabilization; Proper Electrical Installations; Avoiding the Bad Turns; Engine Technologies; Inspired by the Real World: A New Approach to Design; Repairing Infused Parts; Tools for Project Management; What to Expect from Your Tooling; Beyond Boatbuilding; Process Control on the Shop Floor; Paint Finish Standards; The Well; Sustainability Building Boats; Thermal Imaging; Boat Recycling; Boatyard Risk Areas; Gyro Stabilizers; and Surveying and Testing Spars and Rigging.
IBEX is offering advance rate pricing for the conference program until September 9th that will save attendees hundreds of dollars. To register for IBEX 2016 click here, and follow the registration form.