Sept 18, 2016
The Annual General Meeting of the Atlantic Marine Trades Association will take place Thursday, October 20th in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel.
Draft Schedule:
12 PM AMTA Board of Directors Meeting
2 PM – 4:30 PM Annual General Meeting
6 PM Dinner
The Rodd Charlottetown has offered us a great accommodation of $119 per room for before, during and after the meeting. If you wish to book a room, please do so before September 20th in order to get the great rate. Click this link Choose your dates and add the number of rooms and people and click continue to confirm your reservation. Or you can call the Rodd Charlottetown at (902) 894-8566
Check back with Boating Industry Canada for more meeting information over the next few weeks.
About the AMTA:
Atlantic Marine Trades Association
233 East Side Martins River Road
RR#2 Mahone Bay
Nova Scotia B0J 2E0