Aug 22, 2017
What are the common boating tasks that drive boat owners to ask for help? Editors at BoatUS Magazine, the trusted voice of American boating, compiled a list of the top topics and announced the kickoff of a “BoatUS Summer How-to Film Festival” with the release of 15 short, easily-watchable videos.
“We’re calling the video release a summer ‘film festival’ because all are themed with a how-to focus, are organized in one simple place to view, and are easy to watch outdoors,” added BoatUS Magazine associate editor Charles Fort.
Said BoatUS Magazine associate editor, Mark Corke, “The topics chosen come from decades of BoatUS member requests. These are the practical things that most trailer-boat owners want to know.”
Titles range from launching your boat solo and changing a prop to backing a boat trailer down the ramp, changing a bilge-pump switch, and troubleshooting trailer lights. Most are just two or three minutes long. Breakout the popcorn and check out the videos at