May 14, 2019
Troubleshooting the Problem Boat
(for technical/service staff)
IMI Electrical Webinar Series
June 5, 2019
12:00pm – 1:15pm EST
Previous IMI webinars included a review of the challenges faced by marinas and boaters as ground-fault protection becomes a larger and larger part of the boating environment. It is bad enough when one has a problem, but far worse when no one can be found to locate and correct it. This technical session will review many of the known causes of GFP tripping, and how to diagnose, locate, and correct the condition. While all are welcome, this session will be directed toward those individuals that have some understanding of electrical circuits and how they work. Familiarity with AC electrical systems aboard boats and with the operation and use of basic electrical text tools will be helpful.
Webinar Instructor
Ed Lethert is a retired electronic technician, designer, consultant and instructor. His retirement activities include working with the Electric Shock Drowning Prevention Association to promote ESD awareness, particularly in the marina environment. Additionally, Ed assists marinas with ESD investigation and mitigation. He is now helping marina operators and boaters investigate and resolve ground-fault trip issues. Ed has also become involved, along with others, in endeavors to ensure that the National Electrical Code writers understand the marina and recreational boating environment when adding new requirements to the Code. Ed lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota and can be reached at