Dec 8, 2020
Dealer Week will play host to three days of awards next week, sponsored by Kicker Marine Audio.
The Dealer Week Awards Celebration will take place during the day on Dec. 8, 9, and 10. Conference attendees will be treated to three lively awards presentations that will reveal 2020’s Great Dealerships to Work For, the Darlene Briggs Woman of the Year, Sea Tow Foundation’s National Boating Industry Safety Awards, CNA’s No Claims Bonus Checks for Certified Dealers and an MRAA Snapshot of the Industry. Entertainment will be provided daily by DJ Impulse and Kicker Marine Audio.
The schedule for the Awards Ceremonies is:
· Tuesday, Dec. 8, 12-12:30 Central, Great Dealerships to Work For
o Celebrate the Great Dealerships to Work For, a group of Certified Dealerships that are being honored for their exceptional employee satisfaction levels. Don’t miss some fantastic videos, submitted by the winning dealers. MRAA Certification Manager Liz Keener hosts.
· Wednesday, Dec. 9, 12-12:30 Central, Scholarship Annoucements and the Darlene Briggs Woman of the Year Award
o MRAA Educational Foundation Executive Director Natalie Briggs Carlson shares details about the organization’s scholarships, which provide financial support for education, training and professional development in the recreational marine trades. The Foundation also names the Darlene Briggs Woman of the Year, a prestigious award for a female making a big impact on the boating industry. MRAA Certification Manager Liz Keener hosts.
· Thursday, Dec. 10, Sea Tow Foundation’s National Boating Industry Safety Awards, CNA’s No Claims Bonus Checks for Certified Dealers and an MRAA Snapshot of the Industry
o Sea Tow Foundation Executive Director Gail Kulp announces the winners of the organization’s National Boating Industry Safety Awards. Then, Jeff Heydlauff awards the CNA No Claims Bonus Checks to eight Certified Dealers. And MRAA President Matt Gruhn offers a snapshot into the industry.
Dealer Week takes place online Dec. 8-11. Registration is still available — and has been reduced by half from the traditional cost to make it more affordable for teams to attend the event together. To register, go to